Monday 17 September 2012

Kerrang! Magazine Cover Analysis

3. Kerrang! Magazine
On the front of the magazine are 5 different rockstars, all in bands that readers of kerrang will know. As the readers will recognise these rockstars it will drag them into the magazine as they would want to know more about them. The facial expression on all of the rockstars is very invitational, so there is a sense of personal contact with the reader.
The masterhead is at the top of the magazine, it is in the biggest writing on the page and is in the same font as always is on this magazine.
Most of the writing is in capital letters and there is use of explanation marks trying to really get across the message of what is in this magazine and what its all about.
The main colours that are used on the magazine are blue, black and yellow. These colours all stand out against each other and are bright and eye-catching.
There is a lot going on the magazine cover and there is a lot crammed on with no free spaces, showing that there is a lot of information inside the magazine and lots that it can offer to you.
The strapline at the top of the magazine above the masterhead is in constrasting colours to the masterhead so it stands out, promotes that there is posters inside of the magazine a showing readers that it is not just a magazine but posters aswell.
The main cover line is smaller than the masterhead but bigger than anything else on the page. There is a variation of different fonts and the colours all contrast each other and are bright making it stand out more than anything else on the page.
The coverlines on the magazine that are there telling us what is in the magazine are all scattered around the edges on the magazine in a variation of different colours, fonts and sizes, with bigger and more interesting stories on bolder and brighter writing.

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