Wednesday 26 September 2012

Font Analysis

Font testing

Bank Gothic. This font would be used in magazines that are involved in fashion and technology. It is quite edgy, cool and cutting edge. For example it could be used in a women’s fashion magazine or a men’s technology magazine. The font is easy to read but the font is probably more appropriate for older teens and adults. It also stands out a lot as it is all in capital letters.

Comic Sans MS. This font would be in magazines that are casual and not full of complex and factual information. For example it could be used in children’s, teen and sports magazine. It is a very easy to read and simple font.

Edwardian Script ITC. This font is very posh and formal. You expect to see this font in a formal magazine such as a christening or wedding. The font looks like it has been written with a fountain pen, which gives off a nice effect, and something that is a bit different from the usual printed fonts. Though the font is very nice it is quite hard to read so you could only use the font in small paragraphs and headings.

Princetown LET. This font is cool, preppy and looks like the type of writing that would be on an American school/universities logo. This font would probably be used in school/universities magazines and maybe even fashion. You couldn’t use this font all the way through a magazine as it is quite hard to read and stands out a lot, so it would be good for headings and short sentences or quotations.

Charcoal CY. This font is very simple and bold.  It stands out very clearly and is easy to read. This font could be used in most types of magazine. But it would most likely get used in headings and quotations as it is very bold and could only really be used in small sections.

Didot. This font is quite simple, fashionable and classy. It is clear, easy to read and yet still doesn’t look boring. You would expect to see this font in a fashion, wedding, or food magazine. Something that people that are 20+ would read. You probably wouldn’t use this font in a heading as it is not quite bold enough. It is a good font for paragraphs. 

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