Tuesday 4 December 2012

H&M Contents Page Analysis

Colour Testing

Colour testing

The colour blue is a very calming, relaxing and peaceful colour. It is the colour of the sea and the sky so a constant in our lives. The colour blue in a magazine would make the magazine feel safe for all ages. It would be easy to read with realistic and general information inside. The colour is also more associated with boys. You would expect the colour to be in a holiday or young boys magazine.

The colour pink is a very feminine colour. It is usually associated with young girls. It is a very safe colour as well that wouldn’t be associated with any type of horror. You would expect the colour pink to be in a young girls magazine.

The colour green is the colour of nature, fertility and life. It is very restful and balance colour. The colour green in a magazine would make the reader feel that the magazine is safe for all ages. Green it a magazine could give the magazine an eco-friendly feel, and would make the magazine seem as if it was an easy reading. You would expect to see green in a nature or gardening magazine.

The colour red is a very emotionally intense colour, it is usually associated with anger, strength and danger, but it can also be associated with warmth. The colour would make the magazine seem less child friendly and more of a dangerous nature. You would expect the colour to be in an adult comic or war magazine.

The colour yellow is a very bright, pure and friendly colour. The colour in a magazine would make the reader feel very warm and happy, implying that the magazine in safe for all ages. The type of magazine that you would expect to see the colour in would be a children’s magazine or a holiday magazine.